About me





Weronika Mliczewska

Born in Katowice, Poland in 1986 Weronika’s boundless curiosity concerning the human experience has guided her all her life. Educated at some of the world’s greatest institutions including: The Academy of Photography and Laboratory of Reportage at University of Warsaw, Goldsmiths University of London, and UCLA. Weronika’s focus has always been on translating anthropological experiences through filmmaking, and photography. For the last nine years Weronika has constantlyput herself in risky situation after risky situation in search of deeply meaningful human stories, only found off the beaten path. From war torn Guatamala, forgotten Mexican villages, famine ravaged Honduras, illegal gold mines along the Amazon and the most remote human dwellings in the Andes to the makeshift shacks of Rastafarian outcasts in Jamaica, indigenous lands in Norway’s Arctic Circle, the hermitages of Himalayan Buddhist Monks, and the “Inkajiji” (homes) of the Maasi people in Kenya, Weronika has sought meaning again and again the world over. Weronika’s search for meaning is a personal one, through the eyes of those forgotten by the world she has found a world worth remembrance. She brings to life the stories of our elders, our indigenous peoples, the visions of shamans, the rituals of healers and timekeepers, the songs of buskers, and the tragedies and hopes of the homeless, downtrodden and outcast. Her forthcoming book “Mundo Maya: The Journey into Yourself” (working title) continues her work in bridging the gap between the modern world and the ancient, indigenous and natural human realities of our planet.

But why should you care?

Weronika proposes with her work that our future lies in our past, not in the war and politics, slavery or economies the history books depict, but in the very roots of humanity that are still alive today if only you look for it. For the modern world she prescribes not pills nor products but connection to our shared humanity and the very Earth beneath your feet. Contrived though it might seem, Weronika believes that we truly are all connected, that the boundaries that separate us are merely illusions, that we effect every fellow human being with our every choice or action, no matter how small, that the change you wish to see in the world, the change we need, begins with you.